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Vogue's 73 Questions With Andi Marrs

Hey there! So, I had the awesome privilege of collaborating with an Insta friend of mine, Andi. She and I decided to do Vogue's 73 questions. After you get through reading my answers, please go check out Andi's on her blog post linked here!

1. What is the best thing that happened to you this month? I got to spend some quality time with my mom at a conference a couple of weeks ago.

2. What is your favorite beverage? It’s a toss up between Iced Coffee and Tea!

3.What is your favorite kind of cake? Butter Pecan!

4.What is your favorite movie? Either Avengers: Age of Ultron or Thor: Ragnarok!

5. What are your favorite lyrics of all time? “You say I am loved, when I can’t feel a thing. You say I am strong, when I think I am weak. And you say I am held, when I am falling short, and when I don’t belong, oh, you say I am yours…”-You Say by Lauren Daigle 

6. What advice would you give your 13 year old self? Talk to other people about your feelings, and don’t keep them pent up inside. 

7. If you could raid one woman’s closet, who would it be? Haha honestly, probably Andi! 

8. What are your top two must-have purse items? A book, and lotion. 

9. What did you want to do with your life when you were 12?  I wanted to be a lawyer!

10. What is your favorite dessert? Pumpkin pie. 

11. Is there a dessert you don’t like? I actually don’t think there is!

12. Who is your favorite Disney character? Rapunzel!

13. Who is your favorite band/solo artist? At the moment it’s a tie between Lewis Capaldi and NF…

14. Do you prefer heels or flats? It honestly depends on the day!

15. What do you do on a rainy day? I love reading a book while drinking a hot cup of Candy Cane Lane tea or writing!

16. What’s your favorite exercise? Dancing around the living room to my favorite music!

17. Do you prefer cooking or baking? I love both, but I like baking a little better.

18. If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? I know this sounds odd, but my future husband so I could get to know something about his life. 

19. What is a country you’d love to visit? There are SO many I’d love to visit, but I think the top one is Italy.

20. What is the cutest thing in the world? My niece! 

21. If you could go to any concert past or present, which would you attend? I’d love to go to an NF concert!

22. What is the best gift you’ve ever received? Probably the dutch doll quilt my great-grandmother made and quilted for me when I was younger.

23. What is your favorite fashion trend of all time? I love either the plaid trend from the 90’s, or the dresses from the 1950’s-60’s.

24. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? This is a super hard one, but I’d have to say flight!

25. What’s your favorite food? Definitely Pizza. 

26. What is your favorite color? Blue

27.Who is your favorite superhero? I have two favorites! Marvel: Doctor Strange, DC: Aquaman. 

28. Who is the last person you texted? My friend, Ben. 

29. What toppings do you love on your pizza? Pineapple, black olives, and ground beef. 

30. What is your greatest achievement? Becoming a Doula student!

31. Do you prefer white, milk, or dark chocolate? White

32. If your life was a song, what would the title be? Constantly Going

33. What is your favorite book of all time? “The Bride Collector” by Ted Dekker

34. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? I am a definite introvert. 

35. What makes you feel accomplished? Helping other people. 

36. What are you most thankful for? My family and friends. 

37. If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for? A huge library of my own, a profitable Doula business, and a little bit of money to put into savings. 

38. What are your top 3 favorite songs? “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi, “The Search” by NF, and “Let Me Down Slowly” by Alec Benjamin

39. What is your biggest pet peeve? Rude people!

40. What are three things you value most about a person? Compassion, humility, and kindness. 

41. What is one thing that bothers you about the world today? Racism.

42. Who is your favorite historical figure? Rosa Parks. 

43. What fictional character (book, movie, or TV show) do you relate to the most? Why? Probably Tris from Divergent. She struggles with knowing who she is. 

44. What is your favorite joke? I don’t know if I have a favorite, but I do like puns. 

45. What is your favorite quote? (Movie or just in general.) “It's the sorrow you feel that allows you to crave love. Without the suffering, there would be no true pleasure. Without tears, no joy. Without deficiency, no longing.”- Ted Dekker, Forbidden

46. If you won 1 Million dollars right now, how would you spend it? I’d give a lot to charity, and save the rest!

47. Who inspires you? My family and friends.

48. Would you rather do shark diving, bungee jumping, or skydiving? Skydiving!

49. Sweet or savory? Sweet. 

50. What is your favorite thing about yourself? I love my intelligence and desire to learn new things. 

51. What is your favorite Disney movie ever? Tangled!

52. Are you an optimist, pessimist, or realist? I’m a realist. 

53. What is your dream career? A Doula, and then maybe eventually a Midwife!

54. If you could be friends with any celebrity, who would it be, and why? I would love to meet Benedict Cumberbach and see how he acts in real life!

55. When was the last time you cried? Either yesterday, or the day before…

56. Do you prefer coffee or tea? Coffee 

57. Do you have any nicknames? Ky, Baby Kale (my sister calls me that, I have no idea why…), and my niece calls me “Kitty”.

58. Are you an early bird or a night owl? I’m definitely a night owl. 

59. When is your birthday? August 12th. 

60. What is your favorite time period in history? The Medieval times. 

61. If you could travel to any point in time, what would it be? The Medieval time period. 

62. What is your favorite word? Love (Cheesy, I know…)

63. Have you ever been to a concert, if so, which one? Yes! 3 for KING & COUNTRY concerts (one was with Skilet). I also went to a GoFish concert or two when I was younger. 

64. Do you have a television show you’ve binged on recently? Stranger Things 

65. What are the top 3 things on your bucket list? Visit Italy, go on a mission trip, and get married someday! (That can totally be on my bucket list, right??)

66. What is your favorite clothing brand? Torrid or ModCloth. 

67. Who is your favorite celebrity? I really like Dwayne Johnson. He’s a really good actor.

68. What are three words you would use to describe yourself? Quiet, Compassionate, and Thoughtful.

69. What is your favorite genre of music? Pop.

70. Do you prefer dogs or cats? Definitely dogs!

71. Beach or mountains? I’ve never been to the mountains, but that’s definitely my answer!

72. What is your favorite condiment? BBQ Sauce

73. What does your typical lazy day look like? Watching TV or reading all day…

I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know what you thought in the comments, and go check out Andi's responses here!

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